I missed the Kickstarter, where can I buy your items?
If you missed out on the Kickstarter, don't stress!
We have most of our items available on our website below:
View Our Store
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Some of your Kickstarter items aren't in the store, where can I find these?
Certain items that we offer in the Kickstarter campaign are limited editions or Kickstarter exclusive items that are, sadly, only available during our Kickstarter Campaigns for example this may be Collector’s/Limited/Special Edition/Items. We do ...
Can I 'swap' or 'exchange' items in my Kickstarter?
Currently, we do not offer the option to exchange or swap tier level items for other items however you can include your desired items as an ‘Add-on’ through the Backer kit survey.
Kickstarter - Can I redirect or change my address for my order?
Depending on the stage of fulfilment for your order will determine whether this may be available. WE RECOMMEND TO ENTERING AN ADDRESS THAT YOU CAN BE AS CERTAIN AS POSSIBLE, WILL BE SECURE IN 12 MONTHS FROM YOUR TIME OF BACKING. *please note, we do ...
New to Kickstarter?
What is Kickstarter? Kickstarter is one of the most reliable crowdfunding platforms in the market. For over 20 years, Kickstarter has helped creative projects come to life. They ensure creators like us deliver what is being promised and keep high ...
How do I pledge on Kickstarter?
Check out the information below on how you can pledge for our Kickstarter campaigns! https://help.kickstarter.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005066393-How-do-I-pledge-